Thursday, March 27, 2014

Norman Rockwell

1. I selected this picture because it reminds me of when my family would have thanksgiving at my house.
2. What stands out to me is that no one is un-happy and everyone is conversing which is unusual for a family gathering
3. The values that this represents are how family was the center and how respect for elders played a big role in family life.
4.  Yes because most people do have large family gatherings to eat a good meal and catch up with relatives.
5. I think that a core Democratic value that this picture represents is life because it shows that everyone appreciating the meal and living life with family
6. Yes, I think that America has changed. I think the rising divorce rates are making a tightly knit family life less common
7. I think we are good. This painting shows we are good because without us the world would most likely be speaking German right now so I do believe the US is good