Saturday, May 31, 2014

What Would Have Happened if JFK Hadn't Been Assassinated

What would have happened if  JFK hadn't been assassinated? I think that the Kennedy administration would have helped the U.S out of poverty and the U.S would not have the debt now that it does. With a full first term and a second term, Kennedy would have been able to handle domestic issues and debt to a manageable level by placing funding in a profitable area. With this, many future disasters could be avoided  With LBJ never becoming president Nixon would not have become president because without the Johnson administration the people of the united states would still be accepting of liberal values and they would have elected another Democratic president. Because Watergate would have never have happened, the citizens of the US would not have much mistrust towards the government or the president. The value of one leader to nation could make the government, economy, and overall success of a nation skyrocket, or fail, and John F. Kennedy had the potential to greater the nation in many different ways.

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