Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How has media affected societies ideals

                Media has affected societies ideals in many ways. In the media today we see celebrities with addictions to drugs and committing crimes. But because they have money and everyone knows and loves them, they get away with much more than average person Also, with everyone seeing their celebrity role models doing drugs and disobeying the law, it makes teenagers want to be more like them and in turn raises crime and drug rates. It also affects what people think is socially acceptable. When some famous person somewhere does anything new or undiscovered the whole world immediately focuses attention on them. In my opinion it is unhealthy to idolize someone you haven't met or had any relations with because you don't know them. They could be a terrible person off screen but whenever there are cameras they are an angel. But there is also a positive side to media. There are the educational programs that can teach people a lot about the topic of what they are on, there are people who help others and are shown to people which inspires them. Those are some ways that i think media affects society.

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