Wednesday, June 4, 2014

North Korea report Current events

Recently, the UN sent individuals to investigate some of the injustices going on in North Korea. According to an article I found titled "Your guide to North Korea's Crimes Against Humanity", by Timothy McGrath, the individuals gathered testimonies from 80 people and  interviewed more than 240 people. According to the article some horrific events are occurring in Korea. The homes have fixed line televisions that have to be registered with the government. What this means is that the government can broadcast any announcement, at any time of day. Children start working as young as the age of 5 in some forced labor camps. In the prisons, the facts get even scarier. Most prisoners don't have any idea about what they are in jail for. In some prisons, they have underground prison cells where the doors are 3 ft tall and so the prisoners have to crawl to get in and out of their cells. To quote the article,"...he was told by a guard 'when you get to this prison you are not human , you are just like animals, and as soon as you get to this prison, you have to crawl just like animals,". Another part of the article mentions that forced abortions by exhaustion, rape, torture, and deliberate starvation are common prisons. These findings are completely contradictory to our core democratic values. While we have life, liberty, and happiness, they have starvation, government monitoring, and brutal secret prison camps. Through these examples it is proven that  North Korea needs to be punished for their actions.

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